Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer's coming to an end, and we are enjoying our last few days at the pool. Anna learned to walk, and she is begining to run. With that said, we find ourselves chasing her endlessly. Anna is daring and loves to put her face in the water, but chooses not to hold her breath... She walks like Frankenstein with her arms over her head, and legs staight. It's very funny to watch...We are sad that the Olympics are over because it was like we were still in China or at least it gave Anna a connection with her old home. We would really love to go back someday. At least we won't have all of the trauma of getting a new baby and all of the surprises that lay ahead.

At least football starts this weekend, and Sean is like a little boy waiting for Santa Claus. Anna will have no choice and will become a full fledged Buckeye starting this Saturday.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

One small step

Well, it finally is happening. Anna started walking on her own yesterday. Granted she does crash and burn frequently, she has established an understanding of balance. I guess it took a little more than a month, because she was trying to walk the first week we were in China. Speaking of China, it has been fun watching the Olympics and all of the smalls bits that they do about the culture, food and interesting places to see. We saw a lot of the same stuff, but weren't as daring with the food, I cant tell you how many night's Kim awakens craving a Scorpion on a stick. Good times! How about that opening ceremony...very impressive!! Kim said the other day that she is ready to go back and adopt another girl. I am going to have to digest that for a while. I am leaning towards a Korean adoption. I think they fly the babies to JFK and hand them to you. Call me crazy but I need more time to help me forget how hard it was to fly around the world. Although Kim said that she may not take me anyway. We now know someone who does this for a hobby(Aunt Danae).
And speaking of going to a Foo Fighters concert this past weekend, it just so happens that AJ & I enjoyed the soothing sounds of Dave Grohl last Saturday. What an awesome show. If you haven't seen them, I recommend it highly. We didn't hit the mosh pit, but AJ did some body surfing, that was fun. By the way, if your ever trying to win something on the radio, talk to AJ. He has fine tuned the art of getting through and winning to a true science. We met a drunk girl who thought I was 30. I am sure the drinking had nothing to do with here ability to guess ages and weight. What a sweetheart. To top off the evening we sprinted about a mile to the car thru a very bad neighborhood and followed the Foo bus up the highway with a police escort.
As you can see from the pictures, Nina gets very sleepy when standing with a ball in her mouth and Anna loves to eat Great Grandma Bucci's spaghetti sauce, but then again, who doesn't.
Oh and before I forget, shout out to Joe, my biggest fan in the NewYork Metrolpitan area.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

1st Haircut

As you can see, somebody got her first haircut last week at a professional salon. I wasn't present, but it went well. It doesn't look much different, but we decided to keep it short while she is so messy. Somehow when eating breakfast, it is nearly impossible to finish a bagel & cream cheese without getting it in your hair(front, top and behind the ears). Anna is still working on walking steadily. She gets up on her own and moves quickly around furniture but she has not mastered the art of deceleration. Every step she takes increases to the point of running, then crashing. It won't be long. We have now taken Anna to dinner twice to our favorite Mexican restaurant, as long as she has food she is quite happy and has yet to create a screen which might require a sudden exit. Kim and Anna go to the pool frequently and she loves the water. We have to drag her out of the tub. Amazing considering the first few weeks we had her, she would scream like a maniac whenever we tried to give her a bath. Kim seems to enjoying her time with Anna and Nina and I am enjoying having no household responsibilities since Kim is home all day. I have put a special thank you out there to Marylin for teaching Anna to throw rocks a few weeks ago. Not only is she getting really good a rocks, but she seems to have decided that throwing everything else is just as fun(her sippy cup, wooden puzzle pieces, dinner plate and Nina's ball's) I feel bad for Nina, she loves to chase the balls, but Anna's accuracy is a little off. Nina has taken a few shots in the forehead and on the nose with the hard plastic balls. Nina's reflex's have improved tremendously over the last two weeks. I am off to the Virgin Mobile Rock Festival at Pimlico Park this Saturday with AJ, we are special guests of the Foo Fighters so no blogging this weekend. I should have some exciting stories from the mosh pit.