Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Flashback to June

Last night our friends Jim & Cathy from Wisconsin emailed some pictures that they had taken just moments after we were given Anna. We didn't really have any photos of the event so I was so surprised and happy that they were able to give us such a precious gift. It made me think of how that day unfolded, the heat, the rain, the flight and the bus ride to where we first met her. The anticipation and uncertainty were overwhelming, but now it seems like she has been with us for some time. Watching her learn, grow and develop her own personality is a wonderful experience. Its seems like it was so long ago that we were in China but it has only been a little more than 3 months. We are very lucky to have each other. Anna started in daycare a few weeks ago and she has adjusted well. Her teacher, Miss Pat is very good with kids and has a great passion for small children. Today when Kim picked her up she had a few grass stains on her pants, grass stains=having fun. All three of us have had a cold for the last few days so we are all anxious for this weekend to get here. Since the weather has turned cooler Nina is able to go for long walks so we all benefit. Hopefully this weekend we can take them both to the woods where Nina can run off her leash and Anna can throw rocks and experience all of the things that come with roaming in the great outdoors. Our Saturdays have been mostly filled with watching the Buckeyes and other football games. I keep waiting for the day that Anna starts talking but she seems to lack the desire right now. Halloween is right around the corner and Anna has a couple of costumes to choose from. I'll keep you in suspense. Kim and I still have to come up with some really good costumes for the big Halloween party in two weeks. We are really leaning towards Mike and Carol Brady but that isnt solid yet. It will be hard to top my Magnum PI costume from last year. Gotta roll.