Monday, September 7, 2009

Summer's Over

Well, hard to believe summer is over. I haven't posted anything in quite some time. We were very busy with going to the pool along with many other summer activities. We got a new puppy two weeks ago. By the end of today she will finally have a name. Anna named her Dog-Dog, so thats what we've been calling her for two weeks(we are down to a handful of names Abbey, Viv, Lois & Liz. She has been a handful, but finally starting to be potty trained and listen to a few command. She is very sweet and she and Anna are becoming great pals. Anna is really starting to talk and become somewhat independant. Most popular phrases, "Anna Do", "No" and "Buy".....she already understands the meaning of money. This is not neccessarily a good thing. Anna and Dog-Dog got their first taste of OSU Footbal this weekend, and despite a win, daddy was not very happy!! I may need a new Saturday hobby.