Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Anna's 3rd Birthday cont...

Anna's 3rd Birthday cont....

All along Anna wanted a Winnie the Pooh cake, until one week prior. She changed her mind to a Princess cake. Anna go so many great gifts for her birthday, but the best was having her Grandma C., Aunt Alison and cousin Addy come for a visit...

Anna's 3rd Birthday cont...

Anna and Addy had so much fun playing dressup. Grandma C. bought them both fancy dresses and fake nails (Sean hated the nails).

Anna's Birthday Weekend, 3 years old!!!!

Anna's Birthday weekend started on Friday. We were waiting for Grandma C. Aunt Alison, and Addy to get to our house from Ohio. Anna was drawing a person by herself. When she finished, she asked "Why he so mad mommy?"

Easter Gift from Grandma M. and Papa

Easter 2010

Easter was spent in PA. We missed our families very much, but had a great time anyway. We colored eggs the day before for the Easter Bunny. We went to mass, and while we were gone the Easter Bunny came. Anna had so much fun looking for eggs, we had to hide a few more for her to find. The neighbors invited us over for another egg hunt that afternoon and we went out for ice cream that evening.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Anna's Baby bed came down

Anna has been sleeping in a twin bed since we came home from her Baptism last May. It was time to take down the baby bed. I was sad to take it down, but we ordered a reading chair for Anna and I. We're still waiting for it to come in.

Visit to the Aquarium

A nor’easter came in the area with some flooding. It didn't stop Sean from wanting to go to the Aquarium for the day… Anna loved the sharks, hippos and jelly fish.


Grandma M. Shows Anna how to draw a happy face...

Dinner with Grandma M. and Papa

While having dinner with Grandma M. and Papa Anna said, “I so happy!!!!” I asked “why”; she said “the table all full!!!!”

Grandma M. and Papa's visit

Grandma M. and Papa came to visit in March. They brought early birth gifts for Anna. Grandma made doll clothes and Papa made a doll bed from old chair backs. The chair backs, I believe, are from Anna’s Great, Great Grandparents. She loved it all. Anna’s Bitty Baby is the best dressed doll in town….

Let's Dance

Dancing and dressing up are always fun for Anna. She can spend hours with some music and a skirt.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Valentime's Day

Valentine’s Day at home. Anna and Ruby open fun little gifts… We went out for Chinese with Jim, Cathy and Kajsa. Anna and Kajsa decided to wear lanterns as hats…