Friday, June 27, 2008


We landed last night around 10:30pm. It was very hot & humid. The fog was so thick you really couldn't see much. We checked in to the hotel and got to bed around 1:30am. Our beds are firm, but we slept well. After a 24 hour trip we could have slept well in an alley. Got up early for our tour of Beijing. I was daring at breakfast and decided to skip all of the eating rules, but 16 hours later and I havent been sick yet. The food is not bad but as expected there are some things on the menu that seem questionable. Our tour guide for the day was a young Chinese guy named Jerry. He was very entertaining and may consider a career in comedy if the tour business goes into a recession. He was even more entertaining after lunch when he slammed about 5 shots of Chinese vodka. He said it helps keep him loose. It worked. The Panda's were really cool and exciting to see. One of the younger Panda's was named Gigi. Hmm. We stopped at a pearl market and made a small purchase for a future birthday. The prices are outstanding. Almost no one speaks English, and no one seems to understand my version of sign language. The group of people we are with are from all over the world but primarily the US. We overslept from our nap and missed dinner with the group, so tonights dinner was Coke and potato chips. Kim is sleeping already. When we wake up tomorrow we will be one day away from meeting Cha Bing.Add Image


Anonymous said...

Gigi? That's a great name!

"No one seems to understand my version of sign language." It's a good thing you don't get frustrated easily.

"What do you call these things the Panda is leaning against?"


"That's right, don't be afraid just shout 'em right out when you know 'em. And what are these thousands of little things the Panda is chewing on?"


"So, Mr. Robinson, you can positively identify the panda from this picture, looking through this dirty window, this crud covered screen, all of these trees, with all of these leaves on them?"

You should have grits for breakfast. Can you believe that boiling water soaks into a grit faster in China than anywhere else on the face of the earth?

Anonymous said...

Kim and Sean, We are all very excited and this blog is GREAT IDEA! Thanks for sharing. Everyone keeps asking and are anxiously awaiting the big day.

I got a good laugh at Gigi the Panda....hmmmm, maybe an Omen? Huh? Has Kim warmed up to it yet? Every time I tell Rachael that GiGi is a consideration she laughs and says, "Well Cha Bing isn't a grandma?" then I explain that all GIGI's are not her Grandmother! (Personally, I think it's an adorable name but then again I am a bit biased)

How is Kim holding up? Is she being daring and eating or sticking w/ Cokes and McDonalds?

We are all thinking about you daily so good thoughts, well wishes and love sent your way.

Oh, and that hot humid feeling you experiencing... just tell Kim that is what I dealt with living and growing up in Louisiana for 35 years.......never a good hair day there! : )

Love, Elizabeth, Rachael and Nick
Friday, June 27

Anonymous said...

Sean and Kim,
You are in for a very crazy 48 hours ! Just remember that as sureal as it seems to you, she is even more rocked by the 180 degree change her life is taking.
Baba is Chinese for Dad - Mama is universal !
Praying all goes smoothly for all three of you. Anything else you can worry about when she gets home to the states. Wren came home with a few thousand extra friends ( Giarda )in her gut !!!!
Amanda in ATL, David, Wren, and Paulie Weimaraner.
**Paulie says if Nina needs any big sister tips to give him a call !

Anonymous said...

Kim and Sean,

Well, I guess you are about 12 hours ahead (of est) which would mean that it's Sunday morning and you must be in or about to be in route to get Cha Bing. I am so thrilled for you both and can't wait to see your next Blog....that is if you have a few minutes and a few free hands to type!

You guys will be great parents! Just remember, you are WAY SMARTER than most of the parents out there so you should be total pro's within days! : ) If things get a little difficult start w/ the basics....She will either be hungry, wet, scared or start there. Take deep breaths and most importantly enjoy every second and try to relax and not to stress out. She is going to be in GREAT LOVING HANDS and is one lucky little baby girl! Can't wait to hear her name choice and see some photos. Take care and post if you need help or advice with anything. We are here to help....even if we have few miles between us. Lots of Love of this Wonderful Day! Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

Okay so my blog didn't go through. I guess that I will just do the comment. It was great to get to talk to you today and it sounds as though you are having a very busy, hectic and fun schedule. Today, is the day that everything will change. How exciting is that!!! She is darling and we can't wait to welcome her into this "crazy Bucci clan. You guys will make great parents. So Sean how soon do you plan on making the trip up the "The Great Wall" again? I don't know what happened to the first "blog" but just wanted you to know that are thoughts are with you in your journey.

Uncle Larry and Aunt Francine

Anonymous said...

Just heard a dad on Ocean City's boardwalk yell "Gigi slow down!" She was about 5 and riding her bike like nobody's busines! xox Megan