Saturday, June 14, 2008


Its a week and half before we leave. We received our travel itinerary last night. We are ready to go. One more week of work for both of us. It seems like we are ready, but we will forget alot of stuff. We will figure it out.

We leave Columbus next Wednesday morning the 25th.
Fly to Detroit, then spend 13.5 hours flying to Tokyo
Only 4.5 hours from Tokyo to Beijing. We land in Beijing Thursday night at 9:30pm(which is 9:30am Thursday for those of you in Zanesville)

Friday we spend the day on a Tour of The Summer Palace(check out the Marble Boat)..then to the Beijing Zoo to see the Pandas, then to the Temple of Heaven.

Saturday we get to see where the Olympics will be held, the Forbidden City, Tianimen Square and get to climb the Great Wall of China

Sunday morning we get on a plane and fly to Nanchang to meet our new daughter. Finally!!

1 comment:

Stella & Howard said...

Kim & Sean,

I am at Aunt Kathy;s house for Ashley, Blake and Josh's Graduation party this week-end. Kathy was telling me about the blog you set up.

I am so excited to see your new daughter. She is a very lucky little girl. Give her lots of hugs and kisses. She will bring you much love and happiness. We will see you at Marilyn and Dick's Open House in July.

Love, Stella and Howard