Sunday, June 29, 2008

We have a girl!!!!

Today we got up at 2am and left for the airport at 5:30am. A quick 2 hour flight brought us to Nanchang early this afternoon. At about 3pm the seven families went to the Civil Affairs Office to meet our new babies. It was somewhat unofficial, tomorrow we have to go back and do all of the paperwork. They brought the six babies into a really big room and one by one we went up to get them. There was some crying by everyone. It happened so quickly that I can hardly remember it. Kim & I were trying to figure out which child was Cha Bing...we really werent 100% sure. She is adorable. She can and does turn on a cry(with no tears) in an instant, then stop on a dime a be occupied by something else. We have been parents now for 5 hours and she has definetly warmed up to us. She is very smart(cunning & devilish may better describe it) We took her to dinner a little while ago and she was very good and she eats like me. Who doesn't love a good bowl of Congee. Well, we have to come up with a name tonight..which we werent expecting so I need to go. Here are a few pictures


Anonymous said...

About time on the pictures!
Congrats Mom and Dad.
What a great day it must be for you 2 (3 now).
Nice pictures of Cha Bing, she looks like a little princess.
We hope you got this all on tape.
This may be the first time we have really looked forward to seeing a home video in years. Well at least since the video of the Chicken Dance at your wedding reception.

As for her name, whatever you pick will years from now be the right name for her. Could you imagine if Sean's name was Doug or Kim was Sheila. Doesn't fit them. So whatever name you pick will be perfect.
Maybe put all the names you like in a hat and let Cha Bing pick it out.
I guarantee you it will fit her and you will be happy with it years down the road.

Best wishes and love to you and your family.

Enjoy your experiences and time in China.

Anonymous said...

She is adorable, beautiful and the sweetest thing I have ever seen. Ellie can't wait to play with her new friend... we are all crying tears of joy in Ocean City NJ. xoxo Megan

Anonymous said...

Kim and Sean

WOW! You see...Dreams Do Come True! I am so very happy for both of you and she is absolutely precious, adorable and a wonderfully heatlhy looking little girl! Amazing how you can fall in love in just seconds, isn't it?

Take lots of photos, videos etc because these first hours, days and weeks will go by in a blurr. They are all too precious to forget.

Please keep sharing the photos. Once you select her new name, whatever you select will be just perfect.

The hard part is over, no more waiting and now your new lives begin. I am so so so happy for all of you.

Hugs to Baby Cha Bing Robinson. Rachael (and I) are jumping for joy to meet her/our new little friend.

Lots of Love and a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS! Elizabeth, Rachael and Nick

fmcguire said...

KDR and Sean


Merrell, Rosebud, Petunia, and I are really happy for you. A new chapter in your great adventure. Merrell said that Chitty Chitty Bing Bing is really adorable (a guy can't say that even though that's what I was thinking).

She really is "manna from heaven".

Thinking of you. We'll have a beer, maybe two, for you tonight.

Frank and Merrell

Anonymous said...

Tears of joy in New Hope too!!! Let the adventures of the Robinson family begin!!

With love,
Kath, Ted, Kristen & Steven

Anonymous said...

She's a very cute little girl! Congrats, can't wait to see the three of you (plus Nina) when you return!

Anonymous said...

Kim and Sean, We are so very happy for you! She is beautiful and we can't wait to finally meet her. Enjoy every minute with her! Love, Katie, Bob and Grace

Anonymous said...


We are so very happy for the three of you.....

Joe & Joanne

Anonymous said...

Kim and Sean -- I can't tell you how happy I was when I opened the blog and saw the picture of Cha Bing on Kim's lap -- at last she is exactly where she belongs! Thanks Sean for setting this up so we can all witness God's miracle before us. We are so very happy for all of you! Much Love to you, Lora & Mike, John, Nick, Mark & Abby

Aunt Kathy said...

Congratulation Sean and Kim. I am so happy for the two of you. She is a very pretty little girl. She is so lucky to have the two of you for parents. Good luck and congratulations again.

Lots of Love to the three of you,
Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

yeah!!!!At last Anna will get to come with parents to love and support her and an extended family who can't wait to great her. Congrats!!!
love always to the proud parents
Dawn Todd Zac Chris & Alex

Anonymous said...

Finally!!! She is absolutely adorable and Michelle Lane can't wait for its newest playmate to arrive. Been thinking about you guys and sending lots of well wishes and love to China! Send more pictures.
Kelli and Derek

Anonymous said...

You guys are killing us.....SEND MORE PHOTOS...your U.S. Friends are having withdrawals!!!!!!! We are all checking hourly all day long! :)

Oh, and her name??? Is it Anna? We saw Dawn's email and are assumming?! Very cute.

Hope the first 24 hours of parenthood is going great

Katie, Elizabeth, Megan, Frank, Brian, Molly, Jen, Fabiola, and the entire Spectrum Gang

The Philadelphia Gang