Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Wow, This has been like climbing a mountain for 3 years except my legs arent really that tired. We are almost to the top. There really isnt't much that I can say at this point. We are excited, nervous, happy, scared to death and just about any emotion you can think of, but mostly excited. Will she be walking? who knows. How long will it take for here to bond with us, a day, week, month? Sooner or later she will have to like us. She will probably like me first(Just kidding...Kim doesn't really read the blog)
We still havent settled on her name yet, but we decided to wait until we meet her. In the mean time we will call her Bing Bing(thats what her nanny calls her)
Anyway, big plans tonight....I can't leave the US for 2 weeks without some of my second favorite pizza, get to bed early, get up at 4am, run 5 miles and head to the airport.
I'll try to post everday but I heard a massage only cost $3 an hour...so I might be busy relaxing. I'm not joking...$3


Larry said...

You and Kim will be entering into the most important thing in your lives. I know you will be great parents giving her more LOVE than she's ever had. have a safe journey we will see you back in Zanesville.
Uncle Larry

Anonymous said...

can't wait to follow along. Hopefully you will have time to post. Wish I was going along with you guys to get another one !
remember - lots of holding, touching, petting, eye contact, and feeding her and letting her feed you - to speed along the bonding !
Amanda in Atlanta and Wren "FuFu"

Maggie and Joe said...

We can't wait to meet our new cousin. We want to see her!!! Ever since we've seen her picture we've been waiting. She does look like Uncle Sean . . . . . Aunt Kimmie too.

Maggie and Joe