Wednesday, July 9, 2008

One more day

You can't imagine how excited we are to get home. The last few days have been filled with fun and new things every day. Bing Bing is starting to say words, the only two that we are sure about has been "momma" & "dada", although it has only been a few times. She is also starting to walk while holding one of my hands. She used to hate to take baths, but since we went swimming the last two days she now enjoys a nice bath. She loves to take an afternoon siesta, so do I. Yesterday was official White Swan photo day as you can see by the pictures. All of the kids looked adorable in their little Chinese outfits. Bing Bing had a little trouble with the shoes. She has feet that are like flippers, it was hard to find dragon shoes that would fit her. Speaking of shoes, we decided that "squeaky shoes" although very cute, would probably drive us crazy after a few hours. After the pictures, all of the mommy's went for drinks and I took Bing Bing and Gracie to the play room for about an hour. No one cried but I was somewhat thankful that we didnt get twins. Two is a handful. One of her favorite things to do is going to feed the Coy at the indoor pond(which we are not supposed to do, but its fun for both of us). This morning it was off to another Temple that had a few Monks, then to the Pearl Market. There a Pearls everywhere..even found a few laying on the floor. This afternoon we go to the US Consulate to get her visa, then a small party to celebrate our last night here. We need to pack everything up tonight and we should be leaving for the airport at about 5:00 am. We land in Ohio at 6:30 pm on Thursday. We can hardly wait for everyone to meet her. See you soon.


Anonymous said...

Have a great flight to Ohio and drive back to Philly... I'm sure Nina is going to love her new sister! Give me a call when you get back stateside...

Anonymous said...

Kim and Sean,

I've been checking the blog almost everyday and have loved being able to keep up with what you are doing and how everything is going! Cha Bing is SO adorable... I can't wait to talk to you when you get back. It sounds like you've had a wonderful trip!

Leigh Ann

Anonymous said...

Kim and Sean,

I'm pretty sure Cha Bing is the absolute cutest thing I've ever seen! I just showed everyone in my office the pic of her in her pink dress sitting on the couch. You must be absolutely thrilled to have her! I'm so happy for you two, and I wish that I could be there with my dad to see her this weekend. Take care!

Katie Dallas

Anonymous said...

Kim, Sean and Cha Bing

Have a safe flight home! Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Kim, Sean & Cha Bing

We have loved keeping up with your blog. I couldn't wait to check everyday to see if you had any new pictures posted. You have a beautiful daughter who is very lucky to have you for parents. One day she will truly know just how lucky. Have a safe trip home. Taylor and I are coming along with Kathy, Carol and Stella this weekend. We are very anxious to meet Cha Bing, especially Taylor, who also loved to look at the pictures of her new cousin. Take care.
The Armbruster's-
Ryan, Ginna & Taylor

Anonymous said...

Kim and Sean,

I have really enjoyed the blog each day and the pictures are great. Cha Bing is so adorable. I am so happy for the three of you. Looking forward to seeing you in Ohio this week-end. Your dreams have finally come true. Hugs and Kisses.

Love, Aunt Stella

Anonymous said...

Hi Sean & Kim,

Well tomorrow is the big day home. I wish were going to be at the airport at the same time! I will be thinking of all three of you. Have a safe trip and I can't wait to see you this weekend!

Hugs and Kisses!!


Anonymous said...

Those photos of Cha Bing in the dress are cute!
Enjoy the Super Long flight back. I hope you all can get some sleep.
It looks like I'm just going to miss you guys in Ohio. Have a great time.
Keep up the photos and emails when you get back please.
We'll look forward to seeing you guys around the holidays.

Ryan and Nina

Anonymous said...

if you guys can read this GET THE SQUEAKY SHOES !!!! one in every size !!! The squeakers can be removed from the back heel, as they are the same little piece of plastic found in a dogs toy. PLUS, where else can you find shoes SO cheap ! Wren is sad to have finally out grown all of her stash of squeaky shoes. I will send you a pair she outgrew before they were destroyed !!!

Anonymous said...

mom and dad,
i love looking at picturs of my nu littl sistr. we got the cutest one in china.
hurry home to me,

Anonymous said...

I know I'm late in my comment, but I just found your blog.... pics are great and she is darling. I had tears in my eyes as I read of your adventures. Can't wait to see you and meet your daughter.... and you hair looked great with a little wave! (;