Sunday, November 16, 2008

Been a while

The first picture is "what happens when you give an 18mo. old a box of powdered sugar donuts"
As you can imagine we have been very busy. Busy with work, holidays, Anna, football watching etc. So many things to do and never enough time. We all seem to be more susceptable to getting sick. So we have had two rounds of colds, flu's and sore throats. The recent World Series victory by the Phillies allowed Anna to enjoy her first parade. And based on the sports trend in Philadelphia...possibly the last for a very long time. Kim's office is on the 2nd floor of Market St. and we were all able to gather there to enjoy some food fun and the best view of the parade. Despite all of that, we did manage to get Anna out for a short time for Halloween. She was dressed as the most adorable Lady Bug. Although we did not visit many houses and get much candy she had a great time. She has also in the last couple of days started to say a few words. We never know what its going to be, but she has said Nina, Doug, Doggie, Down & Ball very clearly...and of course her favorite phrase is Ut-Oh. She wil get to "enjoy" her first OSU-Michigan game next weekend and after that its off to Ohio for Thanksgiving.


Unknown said...

Kim, Sean and Anna, love all the pictures, but especially the powdered sugar donut one. I'm just glad she put the powdered sugar in her mouth and not a pinch of Cope between her cheek and gum!

Kajsa's getting two more teeth, so that would make the total 14! And she's taking 6 steps now.

with infinite hope, Jim

Lisa Arduini said...

OMG - Bing Bing looks like such the little lady (sans powdered sugar) - I am jealous of the haircut - Claudia still does not need one - maybe next year..I love seeing all the pictures and the ones from Cathy recently are so precious....everyone keeps telling me that our baby is a lucky girl but I can tell we all are the lucky ones.....