Sunday, March 29, 2009

Almost Two

Well, Anna will be two on April 10th. So we are busy preparing for Easter and her birthday and her upcoming Baptism. Her talking is becoming somewhat more fluent. She seems to use a lot of double abbreviated words...for instance...Nina is Ne-Ne, and she loves the Winnie the Pooh movie, her favorite character is Tig-Tig. As everyone says "they grow up so fast"...I guess she is, I noticed the other day that her feet were resting on the footrest of her high chair. She is also starting to poop in the toilet..YEAH! Before I know it, she will be driving and dating....UGH!! She just walked in as I'm typing and said chair-chair....insisting that I pull the chair to the computer so she can see what I'm doing. So that means typing is over


Unknown said...

WOW! and WOW again!

with infinite hope, Jim

Lisa Arduini said...

Wow great photos - I can't believe she is almost two and what beautiful hair - Claudia is still pretty much bald and she will be in two in about 12 weeks..

Cathy said...

Happy Birthday, Anna! (As I write this, it's actually April 11th where you live..but still April 10th where we live!)

Cathy, Jim, and Kajsa.. (and Abby, of course)