Saturday, July 19, 2008


Before I forget, I have to say thank you to everyone who has been a part of our wonderful experience. Also all of the thought and effort that our parents put together in arranging a very nice party for us last Sunday. It was great. Then I have to thank those of you who traveled so far to come and meet Anna, all the way from as far as Lousiana and Missouri. The gifts were all fantastic and Anna has a beautiful wardrobe for the next year. She loves to have her books read to her and her toys are a hit. She is really enjoying "the Door" and I am enjoying the jingle of the letter X on the Phonics radio. I will probably enjoy the other toys as well but I instantly go for the toys that make noises. I went back to work on Wednesday but Anna is in very good hands because Marilyn has been here all week. I attempted to change my first diaper this morning, but Marilyn quickly discovered, in her words "This is one of the worst diapers I have seen in a long time", so she stepped in and handled it. It must have been the Exlax or Immodium that Kim gave her last night, either way, she is definitly not constipated anymore. Anna seems to love her new home and she has certainly warmed up to Nina. Nina is also very happy that she now has someone to follow and protect all day, oh and the fringe benefits of falling food are nice too. Less floor and baby cleaning for us...Thanks Nina! Anna went to the pediatrician(Dr Chin) yesterday to get a basic checkup. Everything checked out well. She is tall for her age, but is in the bottom 3% for weight. She eats like a horse so that won't last long. She loves bagels, pizza, hamburgers, crackers, and chicken. We haven't found any fruits that she likes(she is definitely my daughter). I think she is really settling in to her new house. Seriously, she is a very easy baby, she sleeps all night and eats alot. Piece of cake, as long as we can keep her out of trouble. This morning I set her on the kitchen counter for a brief moment and she was sticking her hand in the toaster. You thought I was joking when I put the "toaster kills" link as one of my favorite links


Anonymous said...

Welcome Home precious Anna! It looks like Nina is cozying up to her little sister quite well. Congratulations again to you all, I get chills everytime I speak of Anna or see photos - I can't wait to meet her! The Robinson Family - music to so many ears! xoxo Lots of love, Jenn

Unknown said...

Sean, Kim and Anna, love the pictures, especially (no surprise here) the one with Anna and Nina on the chaise lounge! Abby and Entropy and Kajsa are all getting along well. Entropy leaves for Alaska in a few days (his owners moved back there). So it will be a VERY sad day for all of us. Also, Cathy was thinking about getting Kajsa a haircut. We'll see how that goes. All is well. with infinite hope, Jim