Thursday, July 3, 2008

Everything is well

So not more than a few hours after my last post on Tuesday, I had another meltdown and went for a walk. I went to our guide (Grace) and asked her to please contact the orphanage director to see if Bing Bing was crying all of time. I was really starting to think that she hated us and I didnt think I could handle this for months. The orphanage director said that she almost never cried and was very independant. She enjoyed playing games when she ate. Anyway, I went and had dinner with another family and was out of the room for a few hours. When I returned, Bing Bing was smiling from ear to ear. She had eaten and was extremely happy. That was two days ago and she has really warmed up to us. She rarely cry's and mostly smiles. I don't know how long teething lasts but that doesn't seem to be bothering her for the last two days either. Yesterday we went to a really old Pagoda which was pretty cool. Then in the afternoon all of the girls and me went for a foot massage(which was really foot, leg and shoulder massage) 1 hour for $8. Last night Grace ordered Pizza Hut for everyone and we had a group dinner in the hotel and all of the babies got to play together. It is amazing to see their comfort level and little quircks change so quickly. I am sure that once we get back they will catch up quickly. Cha Bing is very smart, she has figured out how to take off lids and put them back on. I may give her a few quadratic equations and see how she does with that. She has 4 teeth on the top and 4 on the bottom. Today we went to a country village and wandered and met the locals. It was kind of depressing to see the hard life that these people live. We were invited into a persons home that had no electricity or running water(300 years old). It was very similar to living in a barn with many rooms, but these people were offering us cigarettes and asked us to stay for lunch. They have so little but are still very hospitable. There were dogs laying around, and one was chewing on a chicken bone. They don't know any better. We passed out candy to some of the people. We also stopped at Porcelan Street and picked up some nice chopsticks and a tea set. When I say it is hot really cannot truely imagine how hot and humid. It is brutal. Also there are no driving laws. It is like the wild west. I have some video that I shot that is some of the most impressive driving ever seen. Were talking Goggles Pisano. Tomorrow is the 4th but I dont expect that there will be anything like we experience in the US.


Anonymous said...

Sean and Kim,
I don't know if you can read this due to the screening in China - blocking your blogspot - but hang in there. Keep remembering that grieving takes on different forms. Teething makes any child cry, so teething in a hotel room with your new parents who don't speak your language is bound to be tough. Continue to take the breaks when you need them. I had to tell myself to just get through those two weeks in China and deal with everything else when we were back at home. SHe will turn a corner soon and get past the grieving phase. By the end of the trip she will not let anyone but you two hold her as she bonds closer to you and sees you as her parents.
hang in there !@

Anonymous said...

Only another week or so until we get to see you guys... it's only going to get better!

Anonymous said...

Sean and Kim

I am happy that things are settling down and going better for you guys. Each day your bonds will grow stronger and Cha Bing will understand what loving and caring parents she has.

She is adorable. Take care and you will all be home soon!

Unknown said...

Hi Guys, I log in everyday to follow your REAL LIFE adventure in China with your little one. Cha Bing is soooooooooooo adorable! I cannot wait to meet her.


Anonymous said...

Sean and Kim:

Looks like you guys are having a ball. Name stuff doesn't matter - Paul and I just came to a conclusion - I didn't like his suggestions and he didn't like mine. Just for conversation thought i'd throw in Gwen Isabelle-aka G.I. or gigi.


Aunt Kathy said...

Kim and Sean;
Hang in there guys, being a parent isn't always fun. But the fun times always out weight the bad times.
My babies are almost 19 and I still sometimes have meltdowns. But we always manage to get through the tough times, and you will too. Just give her lots of hugs and kisses and you will be fine.

I love that you guys are keeping a blog on your trip. I check in several times a day to see if there is anything new. Love the pictures,,,,,they are great........

Love you guys!
Aunt Kathy

Anonymous said...

Aunt Kim & uncle Sean Ch abing is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!I can't wait to meet her!I'm thinking about getting her something like a box of cheerios I'm just kidding but I am getting her something special!And to let you know your the number #1! hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Sean and Kim,
Every time I see another picture I am struck by how cute she is!! I can't wait to see all three of you together. Sean, I have to tell you, that I thought of you last night. Emma went to bed at 8:30 happy as a peach and woke up at 10pm screaming and kicking and fussing. Usually, Matt sleeps through this stuff but since he had just fallen asleep he tried desparately to help me soothe her. We tried Orajel, Tylenol, warm cloths on the ear, food, drink,nothing helped. Matt got frustrated and said take her to the E.R. and tell them she's crazy!! Then at about 11pm he jumped on the golf cart just to get away!!! I kept pacing the floors, patting her back, she let out 3 big burps, her whole mood changed and she went to sleep. She's been sleeping for 8 hours now. It really is a guessing game, none of us really know what to do we just keep trying and something eventually works. It does get easier when they can communicate their needs better. Remember to take time for yourselves, it will make you both better parents for Cha Bing. And this parenting thing, boy does it make you appreciate each other! Only about a week to go.
Hugs and Kisses to each,

Anonymous said...

Kim, Sean and Cha Bing

Happy 4th of July! Just checking in to see how you guys are doing and to bug you for some more photos.

But with massages at $8 dollars an hour...hey, I wouldn't blame you if you were on the 24 hour rub down plan (for the whole family)! : )

Wishing you a great day. We will have some BBQ, Watermelon and lots of fireworks in Philadelphia in honor of Cha Bing. When you guys get home we can all do it again in Cha Bings Honor!

Elizabeth, Nick and Rachael