Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A few pics...we are leaving for dinner


Anonymous said...

Sean, Kim and Cha Bing:

I don't think you guys got our first comment, but it went something like this - she is so beautiful!!! And congratulations of course. The girls and I are loving the pictures and can't wait to see all three of you!! As for the teething and crying. This too will pass. We are still waiting for Emma to sleep through an entire night for the entire week. Each child is different, but no child tolerates change to schedules and surroundings very well at all. Hang in there. It really is a right of passage that all parents go through. You are not alone and you are doing wonderful. Not long now and you will be surrounded by people who love you and can help the transition!!
Take care,
Love and kisses
Wendy, Matt and girls

Anonymous said...

KDR and Sean
Loving the pictures. The Dooz and I guffawed when we saw Cha Bing out for the count.

Anonymous said...

hi! Kim & Sean I like the name Gillian sounds like Lillian. I know you'll figure it out, Chris has two names that are scratched out on his hospital name tag. For the longest time we just called him baby boy.

We cant wait to see you and your new family.

Luv Dawn

Anonymous said...

Kim and Cha Bing.....way to go! Spa treatments, a girls best friend, and you managed to get Dad to say "yes" and splurge in your first week! Good Job.

Sean, she's already got you wrapped! : )

Looks like a happy time. I also see that Cha Bing got the "big bed". Mom/Dad, where are you sleeping? the crib or on the floor? Ahhh, the joys of parenthood and the sacrifices you learn to make especially to keep sleeping children asleep.

Thanks again for the photos, we all love them and wait eagerly to view them each day.


Anonymous said...

How is it going today? Is the teething better? And how are the parents holding up?