Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I think it's Tuesday

We will discuss the name later....from here forward I will refer to Cha Bing as (Cha Bing or "the baby"). So yesterday we had all of the official appointments to take care of. We had our official picture taken at Civil Affairs along with a brief interview about why we wanted to adopt(we passed), then to the police staion for her passport photo then to the notary. Cha Bing cried most of the day. We had dinner at a Chinese restaurant(which by the way is about the only kind of restaurant you can find). Some of the dishes are the same as in the US, but most are not. Its really hard to believe that there are so many different kinds of foods that we have never seen or heard of. After all of the appt's we all went to the Super Walmart to pick up some needed things. If you have been to Mexico or Europe you can generally find American products, that is not the case in China(except Coke) On the flip side, you can't get whole eel or chicken feet at a reasonable price in Pennsylvania. Walmart is an experience. Seemingly thousands of people crammed into 4 floors. We found out that Cha Bing has many teeth and still more coming in, so she is teething. Need I say more. Rule #1 of being a parent-Highly medicated children makes children and parents happier. Last night before bed, we thought we had made a break through to her...she was smiling and laughing for hours. She fell asleep and didnt wake up until 5:30 this morning, soon after she cried histerically for hours. Kim had a meltdown, I had a meltdown. Kim is really good with her and dealing with teething and a new mommy and daddy is probably very difficult for her. We will perservere. This morning we all went to a very large city park similiar to Central Park. There were many interested locals approaching us and reading our sign that we carry that explains we are Americans, and we have adopted one of your little girls. The people were nice and friendly. There were several people weilding swords(practicing sword fighting). I explained to our guide that this person would most likely be shot dead if he were in America. She thought I was joking. We have not yet reached a final decision on the name yet. I do believe that we can wait until we return home, but we did have to give her an American name yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to parenthood!
Children are priceless, most of the time. Every once and a while they have a way of testing us.
Appears you passed your first test.
Remember you are new and different to her also. Maybe when she woke up and saw you two she was confused.
Rememer this is a marathon not a sprint.
Your parenting skills will kick in soon and if not you always have family and friends willing to help.
As for names, if Mookie doesn't work, there is Jackie and Smokey.

God Bless!
To better days!

Anonymous said...

Kim and Sean

Hang in there....You guys are not the first to sit and look at these little wonderful humans and feel totally bewildered and helpless. It is a feeling that everyone with children has felt or gone through at some point (you guys are doing great). Remember, stay strong and take lots of deep breaths, try to get some rest so that you can take individual turns with her. Take a mental break, go for a walk alone, sit in the lobby or grab a Coke. Parenthood definitley has it's ups and it's downs but there is nothing better, nothing more important and nothing more rewarding. Take it hour by hour and day by day. You can do this and are both doing a fantastic job.

Remember her environment has changed also and little ones adapt quickly but it won't be overnight. Each minute you spend with her she will grow more and more attached. She will also realize and understand that you are her source of food, fun, protection and love. It's only been a few days and her little life has changed greatly. As you are seeing China for the first time remember she is too since her world (as she knew it) was made up only of the orphanage. Give it some time.

I remember when we first had Rachael, she slept all day and screamed like we were murdering her every night for months. We laugh about it now but I too sat and cried hysterically several times out of pure exhaustion and not knowing what to do. Guess what? She likes us now! : ) So hang in there and all of this will become easier each day.

Tylenol and Ambesol (rub it on her gums) works well on the teething. Cold things like popcycles or ice cream(if you can find) works well or put a teething ring in ice and give to her to chew on. If she pulls on her ears or rubs them, check the ears. A warm dry rag (heat) pressed on the ear helps w/ that too along w/ Motrin or Tylenol.

Write us if we can help - with anything....Remember, there are no stupid questions. We are all sending you love and well wishes.

Love and Miss You! Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

Checking in on you 3! Hoping you had an easier night and morning today. How is Cha Bing feeling? Everyone is thinking about you.....

Anonymous said...

Sean and Kim,

We are all thinking of you and counting the days until you are home. Not only is it hard to adjust to parenthood but your support is so far away (that doesn't help). You guys are great parents and nobody deserves a child more than the two of you!! Cha Bing is so lucky to have such a wonderful Mom and Dad!! You are doing great! Hang in there!

Love ya,


Anonymous said...

Kim, Sean and Cha Bing,
Just looking over your photos again and have to say that she is adorable. I am actually thinking about getting my haircut like hers!!! Wishing you both all the best and know that time will soon make "Bing Bing" realize that she has it made with parents like you!
Love, Katie