Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Pics


Anonymous said...

We love the picture of Anna and Nina. They look like they are the best of friends. Hope all is well.
Ryan, Ginna & Taylor

Anonymous said...

Looks like Anna is adjusting to her new home. I loved the pictures of Anna out on the Patio with Nina. I think Nina and her are going to be pals. Grandma Marilyn seems to be enjoying her new granddaughter, too.
It was so much fun being with all of you at the Open House. I wish we didn't live so far away. Keep the pictures coming, we love them.

Anonymous said...

Anna is such a cutie. Give her a big hug and kiss from me, I miss her already. Last anonymous was sent by me.
Love, Aunt Stella

Anonymous said...

Anna and Nina look just like sisters in the bathtime picture. They both have the same look. It was great spending time with you guys in Ohio. Hopefully we'll see you again before Anna graduates from high school. Keep the pictures coming. We can never have eough pictures.

Aunt Kathy

Cathy said...

Sooooo cute!
Love the pics.
Give Anna a big hug from me!